Support the team of Yulia Galyamina on Help Each Other!
We’re delighted to announce the fifth fundraising campaign on Help Each Other! Support the team of Yulia Galyamina and their projects! Yulia Galyamina is a Russian linguist and a politician. She’s a PhD with the research “Transitivity, voice, and lexical semantics of verbs”. She started her political career in Timiryazevsky district of Moscow, Russia. She founded the local newspaper of the North of Moscow “Nash Sever” (Our North) and was running to the city’s parliament.

Having started as a grassroot politician Yulia Galyamina gained country wide renown as a prominent opponent of Vladimir Putin. She’s one of few people with a sentence for repeated violations of the highly controversial rules for conducting rallies and pickets, which are often seen as nothing more than a means to fight the civic society.
By supporting the team of Yulia Galyamina you support such projects as “Local Media Fair”, “School of Local Anti-corruption”, “Soft Power” and “Laboratory of Universities’ Transparency”. “Local Media Fair” aims to develop and to support local media. “School of Local Anti-corruption” introduces activists to mechanisms of fighting corruption. “Soft Power” is a project that empowers women’ leadership. “Laboratory of Universities’ Transparency” is a place where students gain knowledge on how to control their universities’ spending and politics.
Help Each Other and donate to the team of Yulia Galyamina!
BUSD fundraising campaign on Binance Smart Chain.
USDC fundraising campaign on Ethereum.
USDC fundraising campaign on Aurora.
CUSD fundraising campaign on Celo.
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